Upcoming Contests

INTEGIRLS NYC/NJ 2025 Competition

Details will be provided as we approach competition date!

Participant Eligibility:

This competition is open to all individuals that identify as female or non-binary students under the age of 18. 

NOTE: You don't have to be from the NYC/NJ area to participate! As long as you are not already signed up for another INTEGIRLS competition, you are 100% allowed to participate.

Competition Format:

Each contestant competes in either the 3-4, 5-6, or 7-8 division. Students will be in teams of 4. All rounds will be a combination of number theory, combinatorics, geometry, and algebra. 

Past problems can be found here.

What to Bring:


What if I don't have a team?

The competition recommends a team of 1 to 4 people. For the team round, we will place you in a team of up to 4 people in the same division as you! 

If you've already talked to a few people you want to work with, that's great too! All team members must belong to the same division (middle school (6-8) or elementary school (3-5)).

What is the difficulty level of this competition? Do you have sample questions?

At INTEGIRLS, we try to create a community where everyone is comfortable competing in math. All levels of math experience are welcome and encouraged to participate. The elementary school problems will range from counting to arithmetic to some Pre-Algebra. The middle school problems will range from arithmetic to Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Geometry, and Probability. Team round problems will cover various difficulty levels.  Find sample questions here: drive.google.com/file/d/1oM7uk-SaTmLMIxJjkOXZtmeDU2U4L_my/view?usp=sharing 

Is there a limit to many teams can join from a given school?


How do I prepare?

Check out our "Contest Preparation" page.